The providers of Adult Care of Austin, PA are dedicated to the education of future medical professionals. We work closely with several branches of the University of Texas as well as other medical, PA and nursing schools in Texas and throughout the United States. In addition, our providers also go to local universities to speak about their experience as healthcare workers and to educate pre-health students about the variety of opportunities in medicine. We also welcome pre-professional students during their undergraduate studies who are interested in working in the medical field to garner some field experience.

We love teaching but never want this to interfere with how you feel about your time with us. If at any time you would prefer not to have a student involved or even shadowing during your visit, please let the receptionist at the front desk or the medical assistant know.

If you are a student looking to schedule an internship, shadow, or rotate with one of our providers, click here to download a request form.

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Many of our medical assistants are pre-professional students completing their undergraduate education or taking gap years before applying to professional school. Working at Adult Care of Austin provides them with valuable experience they can draw upon in their future careers as healthcare providers.

All the providers at Adult Care of Austin enjoy taking on the role of clinical preceptors for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students.

Complete the request form and contact us for availability.

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